• Classroom Expectations


    Breakfast -Students are welcome to eat breakfast at school. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all students this year, and all meals will be eaten in the classroom.  This allows students more time to eat before beginning instruction.

    Transportation -Please make sure your child has a written note telling us of any changes in afternoon transportation. This note is due to homeroom teachers by 7:45 am. Due to our daily schedule we are not able to check email or phone messages until after dismissal. Therefore, changes in transportation need to be in writing and given to the teacher at the beginning of the school day. If you are a car rider, please read the Student Handbook carefully. Your car rider tag needs to hang from the rear view mirror beginning the first day of school. To ensure the safety of all General Greene gators, parents are not allowed to use cell phones when in the carpool line.

    Absences -If your student is absent, please give the homeroom teacher notice (in a form of an email or note) of their absences. If a note is not received, the absence will be marked as an unexcused absence. For any work that your child misses, it is their responsibility to retrieve their work, complete it, and turn it in within the week.  If a note is not received within 3 days of returning, the absence will be marked unexcused.

    Class Assignments -Students are made aware of expectations, the requirements of all assignments, and when assignments are due in advance. They are held responsible for turning in all their assignments on time. However, if an assignment is not turned in, students may turn work in late with penalty to their grade. Missing work will result in a failing grade. Use of the agenda and Parent Portal will help parents to see if their students are up to date with all of their assignments. 

    Homework -Students should get into the habit of recording homework and announcements in their books.  All students should get into the practice of reading at least thirty minutes daily and practicing their math facts. Late homework will get points deducted and any missing homework assignments will result in a failing grade if not turned in. We desire our students to be proactive in their learning. After giving their best effort on their homework, we encourage students to use the morning to ask their teachers questions before the first bell to get a one on one understanding.