• Welcome to Ms. Adams' Homepage. I have been teaching for 19 years and have spent 13 of those years in Guilford County.

    This year I am teaching English 9 Honors, and English 9. I enjoy working with the students and staff at Northwest Guilford High.

    This is my schedule:

    1st- English 9

    2nd- H. English 9

    3rd- H. English 9

    4th- H. English 9

    5th Planning Period

    6th English 9 

    Testing days are Wednesdays and Fridays in the English Department.

    Each class has a Remind account. I encourage parents and students to join so they will be in the know about class quizzes, tests, assignments, and activities. The information is posted on my Canvas homepage.


    Please turn your work in on time.

    Materials you need to be successful:

    3-ring binder

    plenty of loose-leaf paper (college rule)

    pencils/pens for daily use (blue or black)



    Wish list for the classroom:

    paper towels


    shout wipes

    single use lip balm


    Tutoring will be provided during Flex Time.

    Please read:

    As we get ready for the new school year we need to keep something in mind when it comes to the texts we read: Literary texts studied in the high school are complex, higher-level texts which may contain mature content and themes. Mature content may include, but is not limited to pervasive strong language, disturbing violence and behavior, sexual acts, drug/alcohol use or references, controversial content, or culturally diverse themes. These books are selected based on their literary merit and will be studied through their historical and cultural context. Our instructional purpose is to expose students to perspectives unlike or in opposition to their own in order to analyze complex themes and to promote individual reflection and academic growth.